Business FAQ Newbie Website

How do people make money online?

Make money online tipsWith all this talk about making money online you are probably wondering, “How is it done?

There are dozens of ways to make money online but the way most people, like you, make money online is via a blog.

a) What is a blog?

A blog is a website on which you can post articles about a given topic. Most blogs use a free software called WordPress. If applicable you can also offer a forum, a Facebook page or more if you think user participation would be beneficial.

Business Website

What is a Web Hosting Server?

A web or hosting server is simply a high powered computer connected to the internet which houses websites and all files relating to them.  The hardware and software work together to deliver content to web users.

Web Hosting servers do not look like personal computers.  They are flat, rectangular boxes and are generally stored in a data center on large racks,

Business Website

Web Hosting Introduction

What is the internet? The word ‘internet’ is short for ‘internetwork’ – a compilation of interconnecting computer networks via special gateways and routers that all use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/PIP) to converse with each other.  In simpler words, the internet is made up of millions of varying computers worldwide, able to transmit data

Affiliate Life Website

Go Daddy Hosting Review

Go Daddy Hosting ReviewAs a professional affiliate, I deal with many hosting companies. On top of that, I operated a brick and mortar hosting company for nearly 10 years prior to become an affiliate. In other words I know this field very well. I have many dedicated and virtual private server (VPS) servers. In some case, I have a spare VPS just to always have one ready and frankly I sort of enjoy comparing hosting firms.

Tutorial Website

WordPress Plugins Overview

WordPress Plugins are very important; they allow you to extend the functionality of your website within minutes.  To manage WordPress Plugins, login to your WordPress Dashboard, then select Plugins from the left menu.  The Plugins screen appears. 
To add a new Plugin,

  1. Click the Add New button near the top of the screen.  The Install Plugins screen appears. 
  2. Use the search box to find Plugins relating to the functionality you desire (e.g. type ‘weather’ to find Plugins regarding weather, etc) then click Search.
Tutorial Website

WordPress Themes and Templates Overview

My website is about making money online so I want to pass enough knowledge to get you started without making my website the technical reference on WordPress. Remember, you can always visit or search online if you have any unanswered questions. Feel free to also ask me.
WordPress makes it incredibly easy to install or change you theme or templates. Picking a theme should be a decision based on 3 factors:

Newbie Tutorial Website

WordPress Overview

In this article I will give a brief overview of WordPress to help you get started. Remember, there are many good, free educational videos on WordPress out there. You can find many of them through your favorite search engine or YouTube.  Please feel free to ask me a question by posting a comment on my website.
In the last article/video (Internet Marketing Website in 1 Minute) we saw how you can install WordPress in 30 seconds with cPanel. In this article I will go over the menu items on the left sidebar.

Featured Posts Newbie Tutorial Website

Internet Marketing Website in 1 Minute

A lot of people feel they can’t get into internet marketing or affiliate marketing because they do not have much technical knowledge. This is not the case; in fact I would argue that having too much technical knowledge can be dangerous. Many with "too much" technical knowledge risk spending days, weeks or even months on technical issues of little relevance to making money online. The most important thing about your affiliate site