Affiliate Life Newbie Tutorial

Affiliate Links Explained

Why do we have affiliate links?
An ‘affiliate link’ is a special URL that contains your unique affiliate ID (or Network Affiliate ID when working with a network). You use them when driving traffic to a particular place. Vendors use affiliate links to track who sent traffic to their websites. This is how they know to whom to credit a sale. As an affiliate, you will use these links as part of your advertising efforts be they through social networking sites, pay per click ads, your own website, etc.

Expert Pro SEO Tutorial

SEO Tips

SEO Tips that will help your site reach a better ranking (aka Search Engine Optimization Cheat Sheet)

    Web Page SEO Tips

  • Page title (i.e. what is inside the <title></title> tag)
  • Pick good URLs for your articles
  • Titles within your content (h1 and h2 tags)
  • Quality content with targeted keywords and variations (keyword density 2-3%, use synonyms etc…)
  • First sentence is important (see Advanced concepts – Google indexing algorithm)
  • All HTML elements are an opportunity for keywords (alt text for images, image filenames etc…)
  • Hard to control, but comments with your targeted keywords can help
  • Meta tags (Description can end up being what appears in Google;Keywords does not seem to be used any more)
Featured Posts Internet Marketing Newbie Tutorial

How to establish affiliate relationships

As an Affiliate Marketer, you may wish to develop relationships with vendors (e.g. find, analyze and join vendor Affiliate programs). You may do this directly, or through an affiliate network.

What is an Affiliate Network?
An affiliate network is a third-party organization that introduces affiliates to merchants and vice versa.

Featured Posts Internet Marketing Newbie Tutorial

Affiliate Marketing Introduction

Affiliate Marketing, Where it’s Going and What it Means to You.

Affiliate Marketing (also called Performance or Performance-Based Marketing) is a term loosely used to describe the process of selling goods or services by pushing traffic to a site belonging to a vendor with whom the Affiliate Marketer is "affiliated".

Tutorial Website

WordPress Plugins Overview

WordPress Plugins are very important; they allow you to extend the functionality of your website within minutes.  To manage WordPress Plugins, login to your WordPress Dashboard, then select Plugins from the left menu.  The Plugins screen appears. 
To add a new Plugin,

  1. Click the Add New button near the top of the screen.  The Install Plugins screen appears. 
  2. Use the search box to find Plugins relating to the functionality you desire (e.g. type ‘weather’ to find Plugins regarding weather, etc) then click Search.
Tutorial Website

WordPress Themes and Templates Overview

My website is about making money online so I want to pass enough knowledge to get you started without making my website the technical reference on WordPress. Remember, you can always visit or search online if you have any unanswered questions. Feel free to also ask me.
WordPress makes it incredibly easy to install or change you theme or templates. Picking a theme should be a decision based on 3 factors:

Newbie Tutorial Website

WordPress Overview

In this article I will give a brief overview of WordPress to help you get started. Remember, there are many good, free educational videos on WordPress out there. You can find many of them through your favorite search engine or YouTube.  Please feel free to ask me a question by posting a comment on my website.
In the last article/video (Internet Marketing Website in 1 Minute) we saw how you can install WordPress in 30 seconds with cPanel. In this article I will go over the menu items on the left sidebar.

Featured Posts Newbie Tutorial Website

Internet Marketing Website in 1 Minute

A lot of people feel they can’t get into internet marketing or affiliate marketing because they do not have much technical knowledge. This is not the case; in fact I would argue that having too much technical knowledge can be dangerous. Many with "too much" technical knowledge risk spending days, weeks or even months on technical issues of little relevance to making money online. The most important thing about your affiliate site

Featured Posts Internet Marketing Newbie Tutorial

How do you make money online

There are three main ways to make money online:
1.  Sell your own goods or services.
In this method to make money online, you simply create a web site then sell products or services on it.  If you have nothing to sell, do not be discouraged!  There are ways around that.  Examples of things you might sell are: